Huwebes, Marso 19, 2015

A Simple Seasonal SEO Schedule to Make the Most of Special Events by @FernandoSEMrush

Valentine’s Day ended a few weeks ago; St. Patrick’s Day is coming – do they influence you business? I’m sure every company has a list of those special days each year when interest in their products or services is higher than usual. Huge events and holidays always cause hype, and it would be a sin not to take advantage of them. But how do you ensure people searching for information related to those events will land on your site? Here is a simple, seasonal SEO campaign schedule you need to follow. 1. Start With Goals, a Budget, and a Strategy When to […]

The post A Simple Seasonal SEO Schedule to Make the Most of Special Events by @FernandoSEMrush appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

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